29 October 2011

Week 5 - NIKO.

I conquered NIKO.

What a week. Our packing list was very limited. Tuesday afternoon we met in the classroom to discuss rules and get our bags checked. We were told no schedule, just that we would find out as the week went on. We were not told what to expect.

As we packed the vans, I felt unease creeping up. I have heard NIKO stories from my old YWAM friends, so I somewhat knew what I was getting myself into. What I didn't realize was how AMAZING this week would be!!! When we got dropped off, we were split into our teams and introduced to Kevin, the lamb. We were given somewhat vague instructions and told to head off. My team hiked around for hours looking for the next meeting place, where we would spend the night.

We were awakened at 2 am and told to pack up - with very little time before our next hike. The week was full of hiking, more than I have ever done in my life. Lots of uphill hiking, which challenged me physically and mentally. Our food rations were enough to keep us going, but I was hungry a lot of the time, courtesy of my high metabolism.

One thing that really stuck out to me was a talk about giving up our rights. During this week, I had to give up my right of sleeping all night. I had to give up my right to sleeping in comfort, in a bed. I gave up my right to personal hygene, including soap and toothpaste and deoderant. (On that note - baking soda works well for both toothpaste and deoderant!!!!) I had to give up my right to knowing a schedule, and knowing what was next. It really made me think about the apostles. Before modern hygene and modern conveniences, their "outreach" must have looked a lot like our NIKO, including killing their own food. It was such an eye opening experience for me.

God really blessed me with my teammates. as well as my brothers and sisters in this DTS. We had such an upbeat group. and the positive mentality carried us through this challenging week. I saw many people shining, and many people impacted me in such a deep way. I am so grateful for the group of people I call my family here in YWAM.

I really do feel as if I conquered NIKO. I have anemia, so the hiking was not always easy for me. God literally gave me energy when I couldn't go any further. Going into NIKO I knew we'd be hiking a lot, although I didn't expect to be hiking up mountains in the dead of night! God truly sustained me and gave me supernatural energy to complete this week with a smile on my face.

If we have died with Him, we will also live with Him,
If we endure, we will also reign with Him
If we deny Him, He will also deny us
If we are faithless, He remains faithful - for He cannot deny Himself.
2 Timothy 1:11-13

Such a good week. So many people overcame. So many people grew closer to God, myself included. Something I will never forget.

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