25 July 2011

The Beginning - 60 days.

Welcome to my blog! 
This is my first attempt at blogging, and I'd love your feedback. Well, as titled, this post is about beginnings. I am on the verge of starting a new chapter of my life. In just 60 short days I will once again be stepping foot on the YWAM Ensenada, Mexico base for the September DTS (Discipleship Training School.)

The theme for this DTS is Passion, Presence and Pursuit. A description of the school can be found here:
I hope you take a minute to check it out!! I cannot tell you how excited I am to be starting this journey. God has really placed this DTS on my heart, and I am so excited that it is ACTUALLY HAPPENING!! 

Well right now I am just working on fundraising. The school runs around $6000. That's pretty steep for a college kid, however I am confident that God will provide!! I have already had a few donations that have completely blown my mind, but I still have a lot more to go. God is good. There will be a way!!
I'm currently just basking in how blessed I am to have this opportunity. I am SO stoked at the friends I've already met online, and how Facebook can actually be great in this kind of situation!! I've had the opportunity to connect with several people from this DTS already, and found out one member is also from Edmonton! How cool is that!! I wait in anticipation for the friendships that will grow, and just to see how God will use those people in my life to grow my faith, and just to bless so many. 

My thoughts are pretty scattered right now, to be honest. I have a lot of things jumping around in my head, maybe not the best time to blog. However, I wanted to get this started as the countdown gets lower and lower - 60 days!! Please keep me in prayer as I continue to fundraise and just raise awareness about this DTS. 

One last thought. This blog is entitled "If you feel just like a Tourist" - from one of my favorite bands right now, Death Cab For Cutie. Off their new album Codes and Keys, the song "You are a Tourist" is a personal favorite. The next few lines are:
And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born
Then it's time to go
And define your destination
There's so many different places to call home
I really resonate with the last line. There are lots of places to call home. Home is where my family is, and I miss them. Home is where my roommates are in the house I'm currently residing in. Home is in Ensenada, Mexico where my YWAM family is. Cannot wait to see that family grow. Cannot wait for all the new experiences. Cannot wait for what God is going to do in my life. 

- Sarah

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