20 November 2011

Week 8 - Destiny

God let us laugh this week.

After NIKO, Kenny Peavy and Tim Pratt, all of us were in dire need of a good laugh. Brenda Lewis brought a fresh perspective, and lots of smiles. She used to be a hippie in the 70's and now is a YWAM speaker. She shared her heart for India and the work she's done there. When she showed a video of her ministry in India (Hope of Glory Foundation - check out http://hogfindia.wordpress.com/) I felt a stirring in my heart. God nudged me and said "My daughter. Keep this in mind." God also confirmed to me that I'm to go back to nursing school in September.

For a while I was flirting with the idea of just being a YWAMer - joining as full time staff and serving in that regard. The only problem was then I'd be throwing my dreams of being a nurse out the window. Entonces. God confirmed to me that I'm to go back to school. Once I'm a nurse, I will be able to serve God using my gifts more. Brenda encouraged us to dream big, and had us draw out what our hopes and dreams are for where we will be in 10 years. I realized that if I was a YWAMer I would disregard God's plans for me to be a nurse. In 10 years I want to have the title RN after my name. I want to be married. I don't know if I want to have kids, but I know for sure that I want to be doing mission work in some form with my husband. I realized I really don't want a comfortable life, living in a little house with a large disposable income. I want to be used by God, and I want to travel the world using my skills as a nurse to bless people in developing nations - in whatever form God calls me to. Brenda encouraged us to dream big with God. To realize these dreams and to put them to paper was exciting! God has big plans for me! ...Now I just have to figure out where I want to go to school. Minor detail :)

We're hitting almost 2 months of DTS. I'm still loving it, but community living definitely has its downfalls. For one, it's hard to be alone. It's nearly impossible to be an introvert because everyone is wondering where you are, if you're okay, why you're not talking... I sometimes need alone time. That is hard here. Personality types can clash, and people can definitely be frustrating. I'm sure I too have frustrated others. There's literally nowhere to be alone. Through this aspect God is stretching me too and challenging aspects of my character. He is challenging me on what loving my brothers and sisters in Christ really means. Not simply tolerating them in frustrating moments, but extending the love and grace that I have been blessed with.

God is good, and I am incredibly blessed to call him my Daddy.

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